EU to increase mandatory recycling of metal packaging waste

The European Parliament and the European Union Council of Ministers reached an agreement to increase the mandatory recycling rate of used metal packaging from the current 15% to 50%.

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The agreement is a revising of the 1994 directives for packaging and packaging waste, but it does not specifically state whether iron or non-ferrous scrap is recycled. By the end of 2008 the agreement will become an industry regulation.

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Before this reform agreement was introduced, there have been many disputes. For example, in terms of reuse, can the incineration of packaging waste be considered as recycling?

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The European Parliament and the Council of Ministers of the European Union stated that the incineration of metal packaging waste in member countries should also refer to EU standards. In addition, the implementation deadlines of Greece, Ireland and Portugal are advanced from 2012 to 2011.

D Section Pales Palisade Fence

palisade fences are commonly used for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes due to their strength and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions.
A Palisade Fence is a type of fence made up of vertical metal posts, called palisades, that are embedded into the ground. The palisades are typically pointed at the top to deter climbing or scaling. This type of fence is often used for security purposes, as it provides a strong physical barrier that is difficult to breach. Palisade fences are commonly seen around commercial properties, industrial sites, and high-security areas.The pales are typically pointed or angled at the top to deter climbing and provide a formidable barrier against intruders.

D Section Pales Palisade Fence,D Section Palisade Fence,Palisade Fencing D Section,D Section Palisade Fencing