Plasticine making - bowl

Children's plasticine making - bowl
Children's plasticine making - bowl

Car Duster is a tool which looks like a mix between the brush from a brush and dustpan and a mop, with thick fibers hanging where the bristles would be on the brush. The fibers form a sort of clearing in the middle of the duster and expose a soft surface that helps to clean. They work because the fibers are coated with wax, which sticks to the dust and removes it from the car.


Car dusters are specifically designed to provide you with the best benefits possible. These dusters will enable you to remove dust and clean your car`s exterior and interior as quickly and as easily as possible. They are specially designed to spare you from wasting your precious time in cleaning your car with water and soap.


Using this tool will guarantee the cleaning to be light weight. It also promises you to have your car look brand new right after it`s been cleaned. In other words, a car duster will make your car cleanup and maintenance a lot easier.

Car Duster

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