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Thick-walled plastic tray features
Thick-walled blister refers to the thickness of the used raw material is more than 2mm, can not be plastic molding on the fully automatic machine, must use the thick plate special semi-automatic plastic molding machine processing, thick plastic products generally have a large area, a large height, material Thick features often use the following materials for processing: ABS, Acrylic (Perspex), PS, PC, PVC, etc.
Thick-walled blister trays are also called plastic inner trays. The thick-walled plastic blister is used to make plastic hard sheets into special grooved plastics. The products are placed in the grooves to protect and beautify the products. There are also transportable types. Pallet packaging, the use of the tray is more convenient.
(1) The double-walled thick-walled plastic tray is composed of a full set of plastic trays. The upper cover and the lower bracket are made of HDPE with the upper cover and the bottom support. They have a self-locking buckle and are folded and folded. Two-layer disposable film thickness plastic molding process. The middle part can be made of PP (polypropylene resin) plastic hollow board or seven-layer corrugated cardboard and can be folded.
(2) The overall design of the reciprocating cycle, the upper and lower supports can be recycled for ten years. Plastic plates and corrugated board can also be recycled many times, so that the design greatly reduces the customer's logistics operations and storage costs.
(3) The design of the pallet hoarding is folded, and the top and bottom brackets can be embedded or stacked, saving 50% of storage space compared to traditional packaging.
(4) thick-walled plastic suction cover and bottom support for the ABS sheet plastic sheet, durable!
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