The second type of credit card is staged. Each bank has the option of instalment of credit card bills, and a certain amount of interest is fixed every month. At the end of the year, some banks will take the initiative to call you to install the installment, telling you that there is no interest, then you remember to ask him how much the fee. If your money is not enough, or for a better amount. It can be done in stages as appropriate, and it is easier to raise the amount. The third type uses POS machines to cash in. When you have more than two credit cards, you can use two or more cards to return each other. It is equal to your money has been owed, and you can charge your card every month. If your credit card billing date is approaching, you can apply for a bank account to adjust your billing date. Try to drag the credit card's interest-free period to the longest and most cost-effective. And when you swipe your card, you can choose to go to someone to do a pos machine. In the case that your repayment amount is not large (about tens of thousands), you can choose to do a hand brush or no card to pay for it. If the repayment amount is large or you want to have a better chance of raising the card, it is recommended to have a large POS machine, which is better for the card. As for how to swipe the card is better, you can read my previous article or ask the person who will give you the machine. The fourth is to find someone who pays for a special credit card. Some people now specialize in helping people return for a fee, and the handling fee will be higher than the way they swipe their cards. This type of relativity is a violation of the operation, and the card must be given to the other party, so it is recommended to find an acquaintance. The fifth is to use the APP. There are a lot of apps on the market today, as long as you bind the card, set the time for repayment, and leave a credit of about 10%. The system will pay more for each month, then brush and then change, to help you automatically repay. Because such apps are basically made by companies that don't pay licenses, Hu has also studied it for a while. I found that I had to give the app a small amount of automatic debits, so I feel that my security is limited! If your economy allows, it is recommended to consider the installment and minimum repayment first. Secondly, the POS machine swipes the card. In this way, the transaction fee is the lowest. Finally, consider whether you want to replace it or use the APP. A credit card is a kind of credit line. If you use it well, you can make more money for your turnaround. If you don't use it well, it will become your bottomless pit. So everyone must use it rationally!
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First of all, the first minimum repayment. The bill can be exchanged for the minimum repayment amount (almost 10%), and the remaining amount is accumulated to the next bill repayment. The remaining amount does not have a credit card interest-free period, and the corresponding interest will be calculated between the repayment date and the next repayment date. Each time the bill can be repaid with the minimum amount, but the more the accumulated bills, the higher the interest.