Mark, the co-founder of ReaDIYmate, believes that the idea of the Internet of Things is really great, but you can also use the idea of ​​the Internet of Things to create some interesting little things, such as these small desktop toys . [ Chinese and foreign toy network news] Paris's startup company ReaDIYmate produces paper toys that can be connected to the Internet. These small toys can automatically move and make a variety of sounds, depending on how you set up yourself. For example, if you receive an email from the mother-in-law, this small desktop toy can run on the table and it is very painful. If the photos on your Facebook are liked and given praise, this little thing can dance on the table with cheerful tunes. Mark, the co-founder of ReaDIYmate, believes that the idea of ​​the Internet of Things is really great, but you can also use the idea of ​​the Internet of Things to create some interesting little things, such as these small desktop toys. Traditional technology objects don't have any emotional expression, and the small toys made by ReaDIYmate are changing this situation. Customers can choose their favorite desktop toys from the 20 models that the artist has already created. If you don't find one in these 20 models, you can design your own. These small desktop toys are equipped with a small motor and a small speaker, and placed a tiny computer brain with an MP3 decoder, a WiFi chip and 2GB of memory. After purchase, the user also needs to connect these small toys to the computer for some personalized settings. Users can control the movements and sounds of these small toys through a web interface, and react to what happens when they receive an email or a microblog message. As for the sound, download it directly from the Internet. The startup has managed to raise $27,000 from the public fundraising site Kickstarter. The company's products will be available in September for $129. Huai 'an Bst Trade Co., LTD ,