On June 7, the Quality Supervision Bureau of Jiangsu Province released the results of the festival's net content of quantitatively packaged goods and measurement and supervision of the measurement of commodity packaging. From the spot check results, there are more cases of excessive packaging of tea and health food products, and the measurement qualification rate is both below 70%. . The qualified rate of tea measurement is less than 50% The Jiangsu Quality Supervision Department had a total of 54 stores and supermarkets in the province, as well as 21 shops including Taobao and Tmall. They sampled 191 batches of four types of packaging products, such as tea, health food, cosmetics, and processed agricultural and sideline products, and measured the amount of packaging. The pass rates were 47.2%, 61.9%, 86.2% and 90.5%, respectively. Among them, the pass rates of tea and health food products were both lower than 70%. The unqualified items were mainly due to excessive packaging voidage and suspicion of excessive packaging. Meat products "shortage two short" In addition, the quality supervision department of Jiangsu Province also investigated 92 stores and supermarkets in the province, as well as 21 shops including JD.com, Suning.com, Tmall, No. 1 and Taobao. They sampled seven categories of meat products, alcoholic beverages, and seasonal foods. , 494 batches of quantitative packaging of goods, including dumplings, salted duck eggs, mung bean cakes and other seasonal foods to measure a higher rate of pass rate of 94.7%, but cereals, black sesame paste, honey and other nutrients measuring only 80.4% pass rate, cooked food, The pass rate of meat products such as sausage ham products did not even reach 80%, only 79.4%. In addition, from the results of spot checks, the qualified rate of spot inspections in physical stores is higher than that of online e-commerce, and the qualification rate of large- and medium-sized commercial supermarkets is higher than that of small- and micro-distribution enterprises. Quantitative packaging preferred "C" Regarding the problems found in the supervision and spot checks, the Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Quality Supervision has instructed the Quality Supervision Bureaus of various cities to do a good job in the follow-up work, and requested the inspected units to rectify immediately, and notified the quality supervision and market supervision bureau of the place where the production enterprises are located to increase follow-up supervision. Transfer illegal law to local law enforcement agencies. The staff of the Provincial Bureau of Quality Supervision reminded consumers to pay attention to the observation of the labeling of the outer packaging of the product when purchasing the packaged goods, and found that the fuzzy labeling and other situations should be purchased with caution. Products with no net content are not recommended for purchase. At the same time, when selecting a packaged product, it is preferable to have a “C†product printed on the package, which means that the manufacturer himself affirms that the net content of the packaged product it produces meets the relevant regulations. Choicy is selling all kinds of skin care device, such as electric manicure pedicure set, manicure pedicure kit, nail pedicure set, electric manicure tools, etc. Suitable to care for your fingernails and toenails, use this nail care kit to give yourself the perfect DIY manicure or pedicure at home care. This electric nail file not only shapes the nails by gently grinding, but also buffs and polishes in a complete set. The manicure pedicure set is equipped with 6 different attachment and 6 different speed to meet different nail care needs. The manicure set is with two rotation working modes, which is suitable for right hand and left hand to use, To view the full range of laser machines that we have available, you are welcome to contact us to have a video online meeting to see the machines up close and personal. Also, please send your requirements with a detailed list including the style/item and quantity you require. We will then send our best prices to you. Manufacturers Machine Operation training is included with all machines and no previous experience is required. Manicure Pedicure Device,electric manicure pedicure set,manicure pedicure kit,nail pedicure set,electric manicure tools Choicy , https://www.choicygroup.com
The most "heavy" packaging of tea and health food
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