Polyester wine bottle may become a new motive for buying

Goth is currently experimenting with PET PET bottles as wine bottles (also known as polyethylene terephthalate, a recyclable plastic that is used by European manufacturers to package cheap wines), but He said it was a challenge: "It's hard to make the PET bottles look big enough. The 750-mL PET bottle looks like a 500-mL bottle."

Jean Charles Boisette, a descendant of a famous French Burgundy family, is another proponent of PET bottles. His Mello “Mist” in California was made from a 1 liter PET PET bottle.
This product was originally manufactured for Marriott and is now available in some US retail wine stores. Boiseite once produced Tetra Pak—“California Bunny”. Later, he solved the problem that the “Mountain” polyester bottle looks too small by adding a cardboard collar to the bottleneck of the polyester bottle. The problem. The cardboard collar is marked with a "33% increase" of this PET bottle compared to regular wine bottles, and there are other interesting labels, such as "carbon footprint is 40% of ordinary glass bottles" and "7" Wushan 'Polyester bottle can be recycled to create an extra large T-shirt' and so on.
The outer packaging of wine may be the motivation for future people to buy a special bottle of wine. Similarly, the carbon footprint of wine is also one of the motivations for people to buy – today, with the deepening of the concept of green environmental protection, the word “carbon footprint” has been repeatedly quoted on the outer packaging of wine, just like before. The term "terrestrial" is frequently quoted by winemakers. It is also a word people are happy to hear, even if they do not know the true meaning.

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