Using Photoshop 6.0 to Produce Special Words in 7 Cases

Metal word

1. Create a new 300×150 RGB image and fill the background with light gray.

2. Open the Channels panel and create a new channel named "Alpha 1". In the Alpha 1 channel, use the text input tool “T” to enter the Chinese “metal word” and press Ctrl+D to cancel the selection. Duplicate the Alpha 1 channel in the channel panel

Cript>cript> and generate Alpha 2 channels;

3. Run the “Filter→Blur→Gaussian Blur” command to perform Gaussian blur on the Alpha 2 channel. You can set the blur radius to 3.5 in the dialog box. When done, hold down the Ctrl key while selecting the Alpha 1 channel, and press the Del key after inverting the selection and press Ctrl+D to deselect the area;

figure 1

4. Open the Layers panel and create a new layer, filled with white. Run the "Filter→Render→Lighting Effects" command to open the "Lighting Effects" dialog box. Set the first color patch parameters to R=255, G=218, and B=70 respectively. Then set the "Properties" color block value is roughly similar to it, so that the image appears metal effect, and in the "Texture Channel" select "Alpha 2" channel, click OK button after completion;

5. Open the channel panel again, select Alpha 1 channel, execute “Select→Load Selection” to select Alpha 1 in the work area, execute “Select→Inverse” command again to invert the selection, and select layer 1 and press the Delete key, and press Ctrl+D cancel the selection;

6. Add some shadow effect to the image. Select the Layer1 layer, and then execute the "Layer→Layer Style → dro Shadow" command. In the dialog box that opens, click the OK button to return directly to complete the production of the metal character (see Figure 1).

Ice and snow

1. Create a black and white RGB image file, enter the text "Ice and Snow", hold down the Ctrl key, click the text layer to select the text, and press Shift+F7 to invert the selection;

2. Execute the "Layers→Flatten Image" command to merge the layers. Then execute the "Filter→Pixelate→Crystallize" command to set the Cell Size to 7;

figure 2

3. Press Shift+F7 again to invert the selection and execute the “Filter→Noise→Add Noise” command. In the dialog that opens, set Amount to 40, set the Distribution option to Gaussian, and select the Monochromatic option. Click the OK button to finish. ;

4. Run the "Filter→Blur→Gaussian Blur" command to set the Gaussian blur parameter to 3. Press Ctrl+D to deselect the selection;

5, perform "Image → Rotate Canvas → 90'CW" rotate 90 degrees, the implementation of "Filter → Stylize → Wind" command, in the open dialog box to maintain the same parameters, click the OK button. Finally, execute "Image → Rotate Canvas → 90CCW" to complete the ice and snow design (Figure 2).

Flame word

1, create a new RGB graphics file, set the background color to black;

2. Use the text input tool to enter the text "flame word" in place. Then execute the "Image → Rotate Canvas → 90'CWW" command and rotate it 90 degrees counterclockwise.

3. Execute the “Filter→Stylize→Wind” command to make the text edge have a blowing effect. If you feel that the wind speed effect is not obvious, you can press Ctrl+F to execute the blowing effect command again. After the completion of "Image → Rotate Canvas → 90'CW" will rotate the image clockwise 90 degrees back to normal;

image 3

4. Execute the "Filter→Distort→Diffuse Glow" command and click the "OK" button directly in the open diffusion dialog box. Then perform the "Filter → Blur → Gaussian Blur" command for Gaussian blur effect processing, in the "Gaussian Blur" dialog box, set the "radius (R)" value is 2.0 pixels;

5, execute "Image → mode → Grayscale" command, the graphics mode from "RGB color" to grayscale display mode, and then perform "Image → Mode → Index Color" command to convert the graphic format to index color mode, execute " Image → Mode → Color Table command, in the pop-up "color table" dialog window, set the "color table" option value is "Black Body" and click OK button to complete;

6. Perform the "Image → mode → RGB" command to convert the mode to RGB color mode to complete the design of the flame word (Figure 3).

Crystal word

1. Create a new file, then open the channel panel and create a new channel "Alpha 1". Then enter the word "Crystal" and press Ctrl+D to cancel the selection. Perform "Filter→Blur→Guassian Blur" command to perform Gaussian blur effect processing;

2. Copy channel Alpha 1 to channel Alpha 2 and select channel 2 to execute the “Filter→Other→Offset” command. In the open dialog box, set the horizontal and vertical displacements to 2 and select “Set to Background”. Options, and click the OK button to finish;

Figure 4

3. Execute "Image→Calculations" command. In the dialog box that opens, set "Chanel" of "Source1" to Alpha 1 and click the OK button. After the completion of the implementation of "Image → Adjust → Auto Levels" command for automatic color adjustment;

4, press the shortcut key Ctrl + M to adjust the curve, and then execute the "Image → Calculations" command to perform the operation again, set the "Blending" value is Lighten;

5, press Ctrl + A select all and press Ctrl + C to copy, and switch to the layer panel, select the background layer; press Ctrl + V, and finally select the gradient fill tool, drag from the center of the image to the edge, so that the crystal word The production is completed (Figure 4).

Three-dimensional characters

1. Create a new RGB mode file and execute the “Edit→Fill” command to select the background fill color as black. Then set the foreground color to blue and select the text tool to enter the text "stereotype";

2. Execute the "Layer→rasterize→Type" command to convert the layer, and then perform the "Edit→Transform→Perspective" command to perform perspective transformation on the text. Open the Layers panel, hold down the Ctrl key, click on the text layer loading selection;

Figure 5

3, select the moving tool, hold down the Alt key, press the arrow key "→" to produce a three-dimensional effect;

4. Set the foreground color to a darker blue color, select “Edit→Fill” to set the foreground Foreground color and click the OK button, then press Ctrl+D to complete the creation of the three-dimensional character (see Figure 5).

Bubble word

1. Create a new file, set the foreground color to red, fill the image with the paint bucket tool and enter the text "bubble" in the image;

2. Then select the circle selection tool, hold down the Shift key, drag the mouse, create a circular selection around the font, and press Ctrl+E to merge the layers;

Figure 6

3. Execute the "Filter→Distort→Spherize" command and click the OK button in the open dialog box. Then execute "Edit→Copy" command to copy the current text;

4. Create a new file and paste the copied text.

5. Execute the "Edit → Free Transform" command to reduce it and adjust it to the appropriate position in the diagram. Next, execute the "Filter → Render → Lens Flare" command to add a light effect to complete the production of bubble words (see Figure 6).

Embossed characters

1. Create a new file and select the text tool "Create a mask or Selection" to write the text "embossed" on a new layer;

2. After selecting the Gradient tool, in the Options toolbar, reset the fill mode to "Foreground to Background" mode. Then set the foreground color to blue, the background color to white, and use the gradient tool to fill from bottom left to top right. When the text is selected, click the Save Selection as Channel button on the channel panel to save the selection as a channel;

Figure 7

3, select the text layer, execute the "Filter → Render → Lighting Effects" command, set the Light Type to mni, the value of Intensity is set to 29, Gloss is 100, Material is 100, Exposure is -14, Ambience is 14, Texture Channel option is Alpha 1 channel, adjust the Flat slider to a value of 10, click OK button after completion;

4. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the text layer, then execute the "selec → Modify → Contract" command and set a value of 2 in the dialog to expand the selection by 2 pixels. Create a new layer so that it is below the text layer. Fill the selection with black. The black edges are visible and complete.

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